Global Ranking 2022

Global Ranking 2022

The Global Ranking consists of three classifications which, through a scoring and calculation system, assigns the athlete a value in the three relative specialties, namely: Maximum lifting, repetitions and timed hold. This will determine the strongest, toughest and most well-rounded athletes using GBI equipment! The purpose of this ranking is to motivate the athlete to always give their best in each test, giving the possibility to bring out the strongest athlete in a complete way and not specifically with a single lift. Every year we will elect the most deserving, delivering a certificate that certifies the result, thus rewarding the first three places in the three categories. So here are the names of the deserving athletes of the Grip and  […]

Pinchkiller Challenge 2

Pinchkiller Challenge 2

  New and fun challenge proposed by Steffen Knaak based on the previous Pinchkiller with Pinch block! The challenge is to lift a MegaHub (or equivalent Hub of any manufacturer) with one hand, and pass it from hand to hand as many times as possible, pinching the circular hub. REGULATION 1- After having grabbed the Megahub with both hands in double pinch, thus lifting the load, it will be necessary to detach one hand away from the side (as in a side lift), thus starting the count of the first repetition. 2- The transition period in which the Megahub is held with both hands must not last more than 3 seconds. 3- As for other online competitions, the athlete must  […]

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